Our Musculoskeletal Podiatrist specialises in treating conditions such as Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Arch Pain, Achilles Tendonitis, Bunions, Flat Feet, Hammer toes, Metatarsalgia, Neuroma, Knee Pain and Back Pain.
* Heel pain is a very common problem, and is mostly caused by mechanical injury. Most often it occurs in the over 40s who are overweight.
Not all heel pain is Plantar Fasciitis! There are many types including Bursitis, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic inflammation, Achilles Tendonitis, Heel bumps, Sever's Disease, Fracture.
* Bunions are a result of defective mechanics of the foot and are hereditary. They may be exacerbated by poorly fitting footwear and sports.
Some bunions are painful, whilst others are not. They may only cause problems with footwear accommodation. Only surgery can correct the deformity, but at Chapeltown Foot Clinic we can advise about this and make a referral to a Podiatric Surgeon via your GP.
At Chapeltown Foot Clinic we will make an assessment of your condition during a Biomechanical Assessment and may advise, exercises, orthotics, Steroid Injection, footwear changes, losing weight, and strapping.
* Heel pain is a very common problem, and is mostly caused by mechanical injury. Most often it occurs in the over 40s who are overweight.
Not all heel pain is Plantar Fasciitis! There are many types including Bursitis, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic inflammation, Achilles Tendonitis, Heel bumps, Sever's Disease, Fracture.
* Bunions are a result of defective mechanics of the foot and are hereditary. They may be exacerbated by poorly fitting footwear and sports.
Some bunions are painful, whilst others are not. They may only cause problems with footwear accommodation. Only surgery can correct the deformity, but at Chapeltown Foot Clinic we can advise about this and make a referral to a Podiatric Surgeon via your GP.
At Chapeltown Foot Clinic we will make an assessment of your condition during a Biomechanical Assessment and may advise, exercises, orthotics, Steroid Injection, footwear changes, losing weight, and strapping.